Reading Memories
Tips & Advice
The Right Book, for the Right Child, at the Right Time: The Hurdles and Joys of Raising Readers
To be able to lose yourself in a book is bliss. Stories introduce us to people we might never meet, making us laugh and cry, and in the process enrich our lives.
Just For Fun
Thank You, J.K. Rowling
A proper birthday-inspired thank-you note to J.K. Rowling, magnificent manufacturer of magic and the woman who brought Harry Potter to our world.
Baby & Toddler
Growing Reader
The Books That I Am Never Taking Off My Daughter’s Bookshelf
Here is a short list of the books that I've insisted remain on my family's bookshelves (and the reasons why they’ve earned a permanent spot in our collection).
Tips & Advice
How Reading Comics and Sci-Fi Books Can Bring You Closer to Your Kids
Sharing impossible fictions with our kids moves us out of the realm of explaining and into the realm of wondering. In doing so, it puts us closer to them.
Just For Fun
9 Children’s Book Authors on the Joys of Summer Reading
The best reading recommendations oftentimes come from authors themselves. So we asked kids' book authors to share their best tips, titles, and advice for how to make summer reading special. Here's what they had to say.
Baby & Toddler
Growing Reader
Reading Through Trauma: How Story Helped Us Navigate Challenging Days
Every so often, despite the perfect ultrasounds, easy pregnancy, and crazy research that has ensured your delivery and baby and life with a newborn will go off without a hitch, things happen that are totally outside any realm of possibility you’ve ever imagined.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
From Mother to Daughter: Passing Reading Memories Forward
As I began to read, the smell of the books and the words of the poem truly made me teary. I could remember my mom reading it to me. I could remember each and every line after all these years.
Tips & Advice
Why I Created ‘Reading Rules’ for My Children — And Myself
Ariel Lawhon lists the Reading Rules she uses to keep her boisterous sons focused during read-alouds, and explains why she created a separate set of Rules just for herself.
Grown-Up Reads
To All The Books I’ve Loved Before
Devon Corneal shares the ten books she's fallen for time and time again.
Tips & Advice
What I’ve Learned from the Books My Kids Love
Here are four things I’ve learned about my sons through the books that have grabbed their attention and won their affection.
Tips & Advice
Why I Will Never Stop Reading Picture Books with My Kid
There are some books that I will NEVER take off my daughter’s bookshelf. Never. No matter what. And most of those books are picture books.
Tips & Advice
4 Ways to Help Grandparents Start Their Own Reading Traditions with Their Grandkids
If your kid is lucky enough to have grandparents in their life, how do you encourage them to start their own reading traditions? Here's how to get started.