Growing Reader
17 Picture Books Not to Be Missed in 2017
2017 boasts new picture books from bestselling authors, funny debuts, poetry collections, inspirational biographies, and much, much more.
Growing Reader
Liesl Shurtliff Recounts Her 7 Favorite Books from Childhood
Liesl Shurtliff, author of Rump, Jack, and Brightly's Book Club pick Red, recounts the books she loved as a child and how they influence her writing today.
Growing Reader
Reverso Poetry: Writing Verse in Reverse
Reading and writing reversos is a good way to make poetry fun for kids (and adults) who claim they don’t like poems — because they are perfect for sharing.
Growing Reader
Discovering the Concept of Poetry with Daniel Finds a Poem
In honor of National Poetry Month, author and illustrator Micha Archer shares advice on how to help explain the concept of poetry to young children.
16 Great Middle Grade Books to Read in 2016
Whether your tween's book tastes run to fantasy, humor, or stories based on real life experiences, they'll find much to love in 2016's new releases.
17 Grown-Up Books Tweens Can Read
From science fiction to narrative nonfiction, here are “grown-up books” that are appropriate, fun, and enriching for tween readers.
Growing Reader
The 50 Best Books for 5- and 6-Year-Olds
What are the best books for 5-year-olds and 6-year-olds? We went to the experts to find out. Here, the 50 best for growing readers.
Grown-Up Reads
From Sci-Fi Geeks to History Freaks: Father’s Day Book Gifts for Every Kind of Dad
Skip the ties, gift cards, and yard tools. What many dads really want on Father's Day are books – awesome, unexpected, completely absorbing books.
Tips & Advice
Fun and Easy Ways to Get Kids Interested in Poetry
When your kids think of poetry, do their eyes light up with delight? If not, here are some simple ways to make poetry fun and interesting for them!
Tips & Advice
10 Points on the Power of Poetry
Reading and writing poetry remind us that language is not just something we learn; it’s something we actively take part in making.
Growing Reader
Fun with Language: Jokes, Tongue Twisters, and Poems
If your kid is in the market for funny poems, knock-knock jokes, or brain-bending riddles, these books will keep them turning pages and cracking up.