Parenting and Advice
Body Positivity Starts With Parents
Laura Zimmermann, author of the YA novel My Eyes Are Up Here, discusses how being a body positivity champion for your kids starts with applying that positivity to yourself.
Growing Reader
18 Books for Kids About the Immigrant Experience in America
From picture books to YA nonfiction, these books inspire readers to think deeper about our fellow Americans, their stories, and their experiences.
Growing Reader
How to Keep Children’s Imaginations and Independence Alive
Gideon Sterer, author of the picture book From Ed's to Ned's, provides ideas for keeping children's imaginations and newfound independence alive during a global pandemic.
Helping Your Kids Find Healthy Coping Skills
Rob Harrell, author of the new middle grade novel Wink, shares his advice for helping your kids find healthy outlets for coping.
Growing Reader
Books & Strategies for Teaching Kids Problem-Solving Skills
These books about problem-solving will help kids learn to create solutions to problems — an important skill in life.
Tips & Advice
How Raising Boys Has Changed Over Time
Cara Natterson, MD, author of Decoding Boys, discusses how raising boys has changed — and why it's now more important than ever to have conversations with them.
Tips & Advice
How Becoming a Parent Made Me Understand My Own
Author of Oksana, Behave!, Maria Kuznetsova discusses her Ukrainian mother's superstitions and why she understands them a little more now that she's also a mother.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
Parenting a Dyslexic Child Takes Both Science and Faith
Mother and author of Bless This Mess, Ellen O'Donnell believes that when it comes to parenting, science and spirituality are not at odds with each other.
Why Pre-Readers Should Get to Enjoy Books Independently (And How to Help Them Learn to Do It)
Empowering young children to spend time independently looking at books positions reading as a source of worthy entertainment, whether or not an adult is available to read aloud.
Baby & Toddler
Growing Reader
Nifty Tips for Reading Nonfiction Aloud to Your Child
Nonfiction has a higher value beyond its ability to assist in the writing of school reports or detailing the steps of a science experiment. Today’s nonfiction is sure to stimulate kids’ natural curiosity about the world around them.
Tips & Advice
6 Modern Books To Help Parents Raising Teen Girls
A spate of new books tackle the topic of girls as they grow into teenagers. Here's a quick guide to what's covered and a look at what parents might be in for.
How Author Derrick Barnes Prepared His Son for Kindergarten and Beyond
It's summer time, and the “Daddy’s Summer Get-Right Academic Camp” is in full effect.