Parenting and Advice
Baby & Toddler
Moo! Quack! Why We Teach Babies and Toddlers Animal Sounds
Animal sounds are a common way to connect with little ones, and animal sound production helps with early language development. To get mooing, quacking, and baaing with the little ones in your life, check out these farm animal noise books!
Growing Reader
Try These Tricks for a Family Reading Reset
Like eating, physical activity, or sleep habits, sometimes we need a family reading reset to re-energize our reading lives. If you feel the same, you'll love this list of tactics to try.
How to Talk to Young Children About Skin Color
Talking to young kids about race and skin color doesn't have to be uncomfortable. Use these tips to help create positive, sensitive, and meaningful discussions.
All Ages
Adventures in Fatherhood: 11 Unique Parenting Books for Dads
These wonderful books speak to the logistics and the emotions of becoming a dad, offering some reassurance for nervous fathers-to-be.
Tips & Advice
How Money and Mania Have Transformed Youth Sports
In her new book, journalist Linda Flanagan explains the current crisis of money and mania in youth sports and how to fix it.
All Ages
5 Healthy Boundaries To Set as a Parent
Setting reasonable boundaries can help keep parents from feeling overwhelmed, resentful, anxious, and burned out.
How to Foster Belonging In Our Lives and Schools
When we open our lives and places to all kinds of people, it's an invitation to see the intrinsic value and worth in all of us and for everyone to find true belonging. Here are five ways we can foster belonging in our kids, homes, and communities.
Growing Reader
3 Tips to Get Your Child Excited About Math
If the time comes when you or your child struggle with math, don’t dismiss it with the “I'm just not good at math” excuse. Be curious, let go, and make connections. You'll be amazed how it will help your child's skills and confidence blossom!
Baby & Toddler
13 Books To Help You Bond With Your Baby
Cuddle up with your baby or toddler, and enjoy some of these love-filled board book favorites.
4 Things To Do Before Getting Your Child a Phone
"When can I have a cellphone?" Parents dread this question because it feels daunting to prepare a child for the responsibility of a smartphone. Here are four important actions parents can take to ensure their children are ready when the phone arrives.
Growing Reader
5 Fantastic Ideas for Coping With Kids' After-School Behavior
Is your child a whiny, grouchy, emotional mess the minute they get home? Here are a few tips to help parents navigate those after-school meltdowns.
Tips & Advice
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi on Raising Antiracist Children
Brightly had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi about his new books, what he's learned from raising his own daughter, and how to address racist ideas with your children.