Parenting and Advice
Grown-Up Reads
How Mama Got Her Groove Back — Through Books
I asked some fellow parents what they read to reinvigorate, fill the soul, or just pull them up and out of the weeds of parenting.
Just For Fun
Help! ‘Free-Range Kid’ Epidemic Is Spreading to Picture Books
Where are their parents!? Child Protective Services needs to take a look at the parents of these "free-range" kids' book characters!
Tips & Advice
Why I Help My Child with Writing Assignments (But You Shouldn’t)
As parents, should we be helping our kids with school reading and writing assignments? The answer isn't always so clear-cut, at least it isn't for me.
Baby & Toddler
The Very Personal Story Behind Melissa Marr’s Bunny Roo, I Love You
Author Melissa Marr shares the life-changing experience that inspired her to write her latest book.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
Score an Easy Parenting Win: Read to Your Kids
Reading to your kids is a win-win-win. It's easy, it's educational, and it doesn't require parents to pretend-play or even move their tired bodies.
Grown-Up Reads
Tiger Mom and Beyond: A Field Guide to Animal Parenting Styles
In an effort to understand modern parenting, experts have looked to the animal kingdom. Here are four of the most popular spirit animals for parents.
Grown-Up Reads
These Are Not Your Typical Parenting Books
It turns out many parents find inspiration in the most unexpected of literary places.
Grown-Up Reads
The (Totally Unofficial) Thinking Mom’s Guide to the Blogosphere
Blessed are the websites that get you through the day. Herewith, some favorites from around the web for busy moms.
Grown-Up Reads
What to Pick Up After What to Expect: 7 Mom-Approved Pregnancy Reads
What to Expect When You’re Expecting is as synonymous with pregnancy as pickles and ice cream. But there’s a wealth of other fantastic pregnancy and childbirth guides on the shelves.
Why Parents of Teens Should Really Read YA
Reading YA books gives adults a window into issues teens are grappling with and provides a helpful springboard for hard conversations.
Tips & Advice
My Booklist Can Wait: Why I’ll Keep Reading What My Kids Are Reading
My previously illiterate child will soon be able to read completely on his own. It’s tempting to see this as liberation, a chance to go back to my own stack of books. I won't though, and here's why.