Parenting and Advice
Grown-Up Reads
3 New Buzzworthy Books About Fighting for Love, Equality, and Happiness at Home
At this busy time of year I’ve done the work for you, selecting three new grown-up reads that I think will be worth your time … even when you can only spare a few minutes!
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
Opting for Originality: Why Parents Shouldn't Always Be the Go-to Role Models for Their Children
Adam Grant, author of Originals, explains why fictional characters can sometimes serve as better mentors to kids than parents.
Tips & Advice
The Tough But Important Task of Raising Free-Range Readers
My first maternal instinct is often to shield, to do what I can to help my child avoid discomfort. But from the beginning, I was eager to share stories with my daughter that brought both smiles and tears.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
What Should You Say When Your Child Tells You They’ve Been a Bystander to Bullying?
At some point every kid will be a bystander to bullying. Author Rosalind Wiseman offers tips on what to tell young people when they encounter this difficult situation.
10 Honest Books About Bullying for Teenagers
A good way to start a dialogue with teens about bullying is through a book, and this collection of fiction and nonfiction reads offers a few places to start.
Grown-Up Reads
5 Books to Help You Raise Happy, Thoughtful Tweens and Teens
These five books offer great food for thought as well as practical tips for how to support tweens as they grow into independent, happy, and successful contributors to the world.
Grown-Up Reads
3 Buzzed-About Books That Are Definitely Worth Your Time
In an attempt to save you precious time, we've scoured the new releases to pick out three new grown-up books worthy of your reading minutes.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
Tell Your Kids Stories — They May Just Remember Them Forever
My dad’s made-up stories were a source of joy to me throughout my childhood, adding a touch of magic to the realities of our long-distance connection. They remain one of my favorite memories of childhood.
Do You Know How Much I Love You? One Mom’s Journey Raising a Child with Bipolar Disorder
Loving someone who deals with a brain illness is one of the greatest challenges I’ve ever had to face as a mother, a wife, or an individual.
Tips & Advice
9 Fun Ways to Keep Kids Interested in Reading and Storytelling
Author Marjorie Ingall offers a simple methodology for getting kids interested in storytelling and helping them find their sweet spot when it comes to reading.
Tips & Advice
Reading as the Danes Do: Why Denmark’s Tragic Tales Are Valuable for Kids
Reading realistic, sometimes sad, tales can help kids feel gratitude for the simple things we take for granted when we focus too much on the fairy-tale version of how life “should” be.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
What Should You Say When Your Daughter Tells You Someone Is Being Mean to Her?
Author Rosalind Wiseman offers some tips for having a supportive and loving conversation with your child about dealing with aggressive peers.