Parenting and Advice
Grown-Up Reads
Why Moms and Dads Need to Read How to Be a Happier Parent
KJ Dell’Antonia’s How to Be a Happier Parent held a lot of promise for me, given the season of parenting I’m in right now, and it delivered.
Growing Reader
Strategies to Improve Kids’ Nonfiction Reading Comprehension
Since nonfiction comprises a large bulk of middle school and high school reading, it’s essential we help them learn specific nonfiction reading comprehension strategies.
Tips & Advice
Helpful Ways to Support Your ADHD Child’s Reading Journey
Dr. Sharon Saline shares some important steps parents can take to help their ADHD child overcome challenges related to reading.
Grown-Up Reads
8 Nonfiction Books About Single Parenthood
These reads from and about single parents can answer different needs and questions, enlighten, and — perhaps most important — make “single” feel less “alone.”
Just For Fun
My Kid Won’t Read the Books I Pick Out for Her Anymore and It’s Bumming Me Out
One father comes to terms with his conflicted feelings about his daughter’s quiet transition to making reading decisions on her own.
Tips & Advice
How to Help Kids Overcome Perfectionism
Unhealthy perfectionism inhibits children’s exploration, creativity, and personal growth. Fortunately, good books and helpful feedback from adults can work together to help our kids overcome this limiting mindset.
Growing Reader
What To Do When Your Child Is Not Kind
Dr. Thomas Lickona shares parenting strategies that can help parents and caregivers struggling with a child who is often unkind.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
How to Navigate Your Way to the Best Education for Your Child — 8 Tips for Parents
Author and education expert Sir Ken Robinson shares eight takeaways to get you started on the road to the best education for you child.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
20 Simple Ways to Make Your Child Feel Loved
In this excerpt from The Positive Parenting Workbook, Rebecca Eanes shares small yet impactful ways to build an essential foundation of trust with your child — through everyday acts of love.
Tips & Advice
Why Should Dads Read with Their Kids? I’m Glad You Asked …
The statement “It’s important for dads to read with their kids” sounds painfully obvious, but there's more to it than dads might think.
Grown-Up Reads
Tips & Advice
How to Help Your Daughter Manage Her Inner Critic
A girl’s inner critic can stop her from showcasing her strengths and building her social relationships. Fortunately, there are things parents can do to help.
Grown-Up Reads
Tomorrow It’s Me and You — And No List
When I got sick, I quickly felt the pull of the Bucket List. What better way to approach dying than the way that I approached living: Let’s get things done! If life was a series of experiences, I should check off all the boxes while I still had the chance.