Graphic Novels
17 Middle Grade Books to Look Forward to in 2017
Check out our list of incredible 2017 middle grade books! We’ve found 17 brand-new stories coming out in 2017 that we think tweens will love.
Growing Reader
Why Graphic Novels Are Storytelling Quicksand for Reluctant Readers (In a Good Way)
Some kids fall in love with reading. Some don’t. Judd Winick, author of Hilo, explains why he thinks the kids in the “don’t” column would dig comics.
Growing Reader
Graphic Novels? Yeah, They’re Fun for the WHOLE Family
There are LOTS of reasons why comics and graphic novels are great for the entire family — moms, dads, kids, really smart pets — everybody!
Growing Reader
Brightly's Book Club for Kids: Hilo: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth
Hilo: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth, a wildly entertaining graphic novel by Judd Winick, will send you on a cracking, seat-of-your-pants adventure.
Tips & Advice
How Reading Comics and Sci-Fi Books Can Bring You Closer to Your Kids
Sharing impossible fictions with our kids moves us out of the realm of explaining and into the realm of wondering. In doing so, it puts us closer to them.
Growing Reader
5 Graphic Novels for Kids Who Love ‘Captain America’
We parsed through 75 years’ worth of Captain America comic books and narrowed it down to five must-read graphic novels, essential for every Marvel movie fan.
Growing Reader
Meet the Illustrator: Jarrett J. Krosoczka
When Jarrett J. Krosoczka isn't thinking up hilarious plot twists in his Lunch Lady graphic novel series, he writes and illustrates a variety of picture and middle grade books, and hosts “The Book Report with JJK."
Baby & Toddler
Growing Reader
Reading Pictures: What Comics Can Teach Young Children
Jennifer L. Holm, the author behind the Babymouse and My First Comics series, explains how comics teach kids the building blocks of reading in a visual way.
5 Books That Have Fourth and Fifth Graders Seriously Cracking Up
Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries top kids' recommendations, but they're not the only funny books out there. These "kid-approved” books also have kids busting up.
Growing Reader
If You Liked This Book, Try ... A Summer Reading List Filled with Old and New Favorites
When it comes to summer reading selections, it's often helpful to get a comparison. Here are ten new books paired with ones you might have already enjoyed.
Growing Reader
Required Reading for Wrestlers (in Training)
If your child is a WWE fan, or just enjoys flying off the top turnbuckle with wild abandon, here are some fantastic books about wrestling for kids of all ages.
Growing Reader
5 Graphic Novels to Excite Your Young "Avengers" Fan
If your junior heroes want to read more about the exploits of Earth’s mightiest heroes, here are some suggestions that should delight any "Avengers" movie fan.