Squeeze Reads: Great Books for the Time-Crunched

by Iva-Marie Palmer

Credit: Cultura RM/Hugh Whitaker; Collection: Collection Mix: Subjects

Mom brain. It’s real. You forget stuff. You have no attention span. You lose your train of… What was I just saying?

Raising kids and juggling life is hard, and it can be downright disturbing when you wake up one morning and realize you’ve not read anything more than the back of a cereal box (and, okay, your favorite celebrity blog) in weeks.

The books below are what I call squeeze reads — the kind of reads that can be nibbled on in short bites, that proceed at a fast clip, or aren’t too long. Pick one up the next time you’re feeling pressed for time but still in need of some mental sustenance.

  • Other Stuff

  • Things to read are everywhere but choosing the best is hard. Instead of scrolling your Facebook feed hoping to find something brilliant, try these.

  • One Story

    This Brooklyn nonprofit delivers the perfect periodical for moms hungry for a lit fix: One short story every three weeks, delivered to your mailbox. There’s also a second mag, One Teen Story, that’s yes, a YA short story. Subscribe at one-story.com.

  • theSkimm

    This daily newsletter, written by two friends in their twenties, is the no-excuses way to stay up to date with current events. The news-buff writers boil down the day’s top headlines into a digest of must-know stuff, so busy people everywhere can stay informed without trying to tackle the entire newspaper. Sign up at theskimm.com.