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Growing Reader

Fresh Air Rules! Tips and Books for Taking Kids’ Learning Outdoors

The benefits of outdoor learning for both kids and adults are just too great to ignore! So if you're curious about the logistics of teaching outside, these educator-approved tips may help.


Page-Turning YA Reads That Model Forgiveness

One way to encourage forgiveness in your teen is by having them read books that model it. These novels are about teens giving and receiving forgiveness and learning how to move forward.

Gideon Sterer on Encouraging Kids to Find Wonder in Nature Thumbnail
Growing Reader

Gideon Sterer on Encouraging Kids to Find Wonder in Nature

"Every moment of every day, we chase end games and follow structure. There’s enough of that. Outside, for an hour in the park or woods, allow your child to simply be."


Middle Grade Stories That Teach Forgiveness

As the characters in these middle grade books soon discover, forgiveness can free us from the weight of anger and allow us to move forward into richer lives than the ones we had before.

Growing Reader

Insightful Books on Forgiveness for Kids Ages 6 – 8

Teaching kids about forgiveness helps them tap into the feelings of others and try to see things from their perspective. These kids' books have little life lessons on forgiving and being forgiven.


Unforgettable Picture Books About Forgiveness for Kids Ages 3 – 5

To offer a helping hand on the first steps of a child’s life-long journey of forgiving, this list of picture books provides heartfelt examples of bears, bunnies, llamas, and humans apologizing and offering forgiveness for a variety of misunderstandings and misdeeds.

Baby & Toddler

Books To Teach Babies and Toddlers About Forgiveness

Even tiny hearts can begin to understand the impact of a genuine apology! Here are some sweet books to introduce babies and toddlers to the power of forgiveness.

Growing Reader

Great Boxed Sets to Get Kids Back on the Reading Wagon

If your child’s book consumption has dwindled due to summer activities, these sets might be a great way to get them diving into a new series.

Growing Reader

15 Picture Books to Help Kids With Separation Anxiety

Whether preparing for daycare, the first day of school, or any transition, these books are perfect for supporting kids with their social-emotional needs and giving them the confidence to take on new challenges.


Goodbyes Are Hard: A Mother’s Many Feelings at School Drop-Off

Ariella Prince Guttman reflects on the odd mix of emotions around school drop-off that inspired her heartwarming new picture book Wherever You'll Be.