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Minecraft Books for Kids

by Tom Burns

If you have a kid, there’s a 70% chance there’s a Minecraft video on right now. Minecraft is one of the most popular video games in the world, and one of its biggest icons is Stampy Cat (a.k.a. Joseph Garrett), the jovial creator of a Minecraft video empire. Kids LOVE watching people play Minecraft and Stampy is one of the most viewed YouTube accounts of all time. (If you’ve ever heard an excited British man yelling “HELLO!” from your child’s room, no need to worry. They’re just watching a Stampy video.)

In January 2016, Stampy Cat released his first book — appropriately titled Stampy’s Lovely Book — which was cause for celebration for his millions of devoted fans and showed us that, even though Minecraft is all about digital worlds, the game has a growing presence in the publishing world as well. With that (and the game’s continued popularity) in mind, we put together this quick guide to the wide world of Minecraft books.

Note to Parents: If you’re struggling to understand what a Creeper or a Ghast is, you might want to check out some of these titles too.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in 2015 and updated in 2025.