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Mad Libs Printables & Activities

by the Brightly Editors

Mad Libs provide an entertaining and engaging way to teach kids about nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and they can be used to reinforce essential grammar, reading comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Just fill in the blank for some wordy fun!

  • For Tweens (Ages 9 - 12)

  • Mad Libs Workbook Grade 3

    As your reader and speller advances, they’ll begin spelling multisyllabic words all while playing fun Mad Libs games like “The Spy That Cries” and “The Carrot Thief.”

  • Mad Libs Workbook Grade 4

    In the Grade 4 Workbook, the Mad Lib stories get a little more challenging, and a lot more fun! Mastering all of the lessons will give your child confidence in their reading skills both inside and outside of the classroom.

  • A Letter From George Washington Mad Libs

    Tween Mad Libs get a bit more challenging, requiring kids to know what a noun, adjective, verb, and other word types are. Help them fill out the list, and then fill in the words to see what George Washington has to say!

  • If I Were President Mad Libs

    Tweens can fill in the blanks on the first page and then use them to create a list of what they’d do if they were president on the second page.

  • Sonic the Hedgehog Mad Libs

    Kids can create a story about where Sonic the Hedgehog lives with this fun Mad Libs worksheet.

  • Nickelodeon Mad Libs

    Feel nostalgic with this story that highlights the best of the ’90s on Nickelodeon! Though your kids might not relate right away, you can fill them in on all the great after school shows the channel had to offer.

  • Hello Kitty Mad Libs

    Kids can create a story about Hello Kitty’s family with this engaging Mad Libs activity.

  • Snoopy Mad Libs

    If Snoopy were your dog, what would you say about him? Fans of the Peanuts gang will have fun with this one!

  • Totally Tie-Dyed Mad Libs

    Pulled from Crazy Crafting Mad Libs, this worksheet has kids build a story about tie-dying.

  • Internet Inspiration Mad Libs

    Kids will relate to this Mad Libs worksheet about finding your next inspiration for crafting on the Internet.

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