Fun with Language: Jokes, Tongue Twisters, and Poems
by Janssen Bradshaw
When I was a school librarian, the joke section was always one of the most popular. Even the kids who resisted checking out books usually changed their minds when they saw a book of riddles and tongue twisters.
Good poetry often appeals to these same kinds of readers, with its clever plays-on-words, bite-sized sections, and surprise endings.
If your kid is in the market for funny poems, knock-knock jokes, or brain-bending riddles, these books will keep them turning pages and cracking up.
Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry: How to Write a Poem
This was the first Prelutsky book I read, and I was instantly a fan. I read it aloud to the fourth-grade classes in my library and then couldn’t keep it on the shelves for the rest of the year. Clever, quick, and laugh-out-loud funny.
Knock, Knock! Who's There?: My First Book Of Knock-Knock Jokes
My 5-year-old is just getting into riddles and knock-knock jokes, so this is perfect for her and anyone else just getting the hang of the classic form.
Tap Dancing on the Roof: Sijo (Poems)
You may be familiar with haikus, but do you know sijos? It’s a Korean poetry form with a twist at the end. Not only is this book packed with clever poems, it also has an extensive author’s note at the back with tips on writing your own sijos.
Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids
This right here is the ultimate joke book for kids. Packed with hundreds and hundreds of jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters, it’ll keep your little comedian going for hours.
Love That Dog
Jack’s teacher keeps handing out poetry writing assignments, which Jack thinks are completely useless. But as he keeps trying new forms of poetry, he starts to open up about his life, especially about his dog. This book is so sweet, clever, and fun. And the sequel, Hate That Cat, is every bit as good.
JOKELOPEDIA: The Biggest, Best, Silliest, Dumbest Joke Book Ever!
Not only does this book include more than 1,500 jokes, it also features profiles of popular comedians. Definitely worthy of a spot in your humor collection.
What Do You Hear When Cows Sing?: And Other Silly Riddles
What’s more fun than riddles? A riddle a child can read on her own. This book is perfect for the youngest joke tellers.