Beloved Tiny Bear returns in this adorable board book that explores all the new things he can do with his body! All it takes is a friend to show him how.With fun flaps that reveal simple actions geared to toddler development, like jumping and standing on one leg, this sweet story is perfect for little ones who are widening their physical repertoire. The ever-adorable Tiny Bear (
Hello, Tiny Bear!) returns, and now it’s time to jump, twist, and play with his friends. From kicking up his feet like Monkey to wriggling on the floor like Snake, Tiny Bear discovers all the ways in which he, too, can move his body.
Tiny Bear Can, Too shows the fun in following physical cues and encourages toddlers to see what they can do, too!
Yusuke Yonezu was born in Tokyo, Japan, where he still lives with his wife and children. As a child he loved to draw and make toys out of paper and boxes. He went on to study design and became the creator of many board books, puzzles, and toys beloved by children and their caregivers around the world.